
BioAscent is Compound Management “Centre of Excellence” for IMI European Lead Factory

Published: 01 January 2013

BioAscent have been selected as the Compound Logistics “Centre of Excellence” for the IMI European Lead Factory (ELF), and manage the 500,000 compound, Joint European Compound Collection.

The ELF is a unique 5 year, public-private partnership that promotes new discoveries via open innovation and crowd sourcing, accelerating the development of new generations of drugs through access to a proprietary, high quality compound collection. The partnership, the first of its kind, creates an unprecedented opportunity to discovery new medicines. It is designed to provide best-in-class resources and funding-in-kind, to academics or SMEs who are working on promising biology targets or chemistry scaffolds, to promote the discovery of novel small molecule candidates, suitable for subsequent optimization either to drug candidates or to high-quality pharmacological tools for the experimental validation of targets. 

 High Quality Collection

The ELF provides collaborative screening of previously safeguarded, high quality corporate compounds. Around 300,000 compounds contributed by EFPIA members, are being screened against target from both commercially public sources.

 More Small Molecules

In addition, a substantial new Public Compound Collection of around 200,000 compounds is being constructed, based on open source collaboration with academics, SMEs and other organisations. Together, the EFPIA and Public compound collections forms the Joint European Compound Collection.

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